WELOME TO THE CHESAPEAKE RANCH AIPORT...if you are flying in for the first time or are a guest, it is required to contact the airport manager first. The airport is a private, non-commercial airport located on the Chesapeake Bay. The airport has a 2500ft x 50ft lighted asphalt runway. Please read Enclosure 3 of our Policy & Procedures before flying into the airport.
The short video on the left will give a quick overview of the MD50 Chesapeake Ranch Airport and our community. More detailed information can be foud on the other pages of this web site.
On the "Activities" page you will find information on social activities, flying, and the surrounding community.
On the "About" page you will find information on how the airport is governed and more pilot information for flying into and out of MD50 Airport
GUIDANCE FOR FLYING DRONES IN CRE is in Enclosure 4 of the Airport Policy & Procedures
Trooper 7 Emergency EMT Flyout